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About Equinox

Independence with all the benefits of a market-leading support structure.

Equinox Financial Group Inc. is a services organization that brings together financial product suppliers and member distributors. Through our national network of independently owned Marketing Centres and independent Associate Advisors, we distribute a wide range of financial planning products and services. We support our Associate Advisors with a team of Marketing Specialists, Advanced Marketing Consultants, and state-of-the-art planning software (Equinox's Electronic Sales Platform), and provide solutions using a broad portfolio of insurance, money management and asset accumulation products and services for individuals and businesses.

Equinox was established in 1991 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Manufacturer's Life Insurance Company.

For further information about Equinox Financial Group, the professional opportunities it affords its independent members, and what Equinox can do for you, please contact us. Click here for contact information.